site-map content emergency clean-up storage restoration Emergency Response

Today we depend upon electronic equipment in almost every facet of our lives. Computers, televisions, and audio-visual systems entertain, instruct, and manage our personal and professional information. Like many items affected by a disaster, immediate action is needed to prevent further damage and to ward off corrosion.
Water infiltration can easily damage your electronics, but did you know that smoke residue – which can contain acids – can also cause rust and further corrode metal surfaces when moisture is present? Without proper attention and cleaning, the corrosion will degrade the metal and eventually cause the device to fail.
It is also important to note that any electronics that may be affected by a disaster should not be tested, turned on, or touched (if possible) as further damage or stains, caused by the reaction of soot with oils on hands, may occur. Allow our technicians to carefully pack and transport your electronics to our restoration facility where we will follow strict restoration protocols to clean the compromised pieces.
At St. Louis Contents, we understand the importance of your equipment and data. We use advanced tools and training to analyze the extent of the damage and conduct a thorough restoration.

Electronics Before & After (select image to enlarge)

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